In my defence, I have been working on some lovely little articles to post once they are perfected (so look forward to it!) and my week has passed in a blur of coffee and cake and Halloween delights. So I thought it was time for a quick update...
I have mainly spent the past week with Mary, my lovely little pink sewing machine, courtesy of the boy for my 21st birthday (best present everr). I named her Mary after my fabulous grandmother, who by now you will know I absolutely adore, and as she has handed me down her pearls of wisdom regarding paper patterns and sewing machines, I thought it only right that she got a bit of loving recognition. Mary kept me great company last week, as did Carrie and the girls in my SATC sewing marathons. How very desperate housewife! I had a slight crisis in Halloween dress as my harlequin print fabric (I dressed up as a clown) proved quite a nightmare when making my skirt - the diamond pattern was all over the place and I thought I was going to have to scrap the idea, before I decided to put so much fabric in it and copious amounts of net underneath which seemed to solve the problem. The lack of downward pointing diamonds was now not too noticeable at all! And my costume worked out a treat. After creating the typical clown ruff, I decided that it wasn't particularly flattering on my not-so-flat chest, and thus had to rework the fabric into a massive bow tie. Well, I'm a big fan of oversized bows and I regularly sport them on my head, so I figured one for my neck would be the perfect replacement.
Now, one thing you have to know about me is that I never do anything by halfs. And so, rather than having one pumpkin, I had three (worst decision ever when I had to carry them home and my arms genuinely almost fell off). This OTT attitude led me to buying coloured contact lenses (goodbye £22), orange hair spray and supersize false eyelashes that would put Katie Price to shame. After a contact lens and eyelash nightmare (watery eyes and eyelash glue do not compliment each other well...) my Halloween face was finally complete and it kind of worked out how I had anticipated (luckily). I took the risk of spraying my oh-so-white barnet bright orange (despite the note on the can stating the spray was NOT suitable for dyed hair, let alone beacons of light like mine). I'm mightily glad I did as I loved being ginner for the night, and I was told I reminded a friend of the babe that is Vivienne Westwood... Not exactly sure how given my clown attire, but this is surely a compliment nevertheless.
And so the weekend brought me many delights, mainly the presence of my two bff's Emma and Jon, who came to visit me in my boudoir for some Halloween fun. And much to my excitement, everyone went all-out on the fancy dress front. Steve's robot attempt, with fitted LED lights attached was amazing, even if he was sporting Primark's silver tights with a scarf stuffed in the crotch (manly vanity at its best).
All in all, we had copious amounts of fun, and I kind of wish my hair had stayed orange...
And so now the Halloween delights are over, for the remainder of the week I'll be looking forward to yet more coffee and cake, and bonfire night, with sparklers and toffee apples of course. Oh, and I'm also going to see Marina on Thursday, babe that she is. And I have another date with alcohol and my vintage leather shorts this coming Saturday. Oh, what a busy week...
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