So, the snow has arrived in Newcastle! Yesterday afternoon I looked out of my window to see the pretty snowflakes falling from the sky. It looked so beaut, as the snow remained untouched by human footprints and the sky was bright blue. This pre-December weather has however gotten me all excited about Christmas, and so I've been putting together my Christmas list to send off to Santa. I really hope he takes pity on me and grants me my wishes, as I do think I've been a good girl this year so I can't imagine my name would be on the naughty list. I just wish I had applied to be an Elf in Lapland, where the snow would be plentiful and Christmas cheer would be everywhere! Next year, perhaps I will get my wish of meeting Santa and his reindeer...
Until I get to Lapland though, I shall just have to make do with the snow here. How pretty does it look?
Back to my Christmas wish list.
Well, I've already purchased my Christmas present to myself, in the form of a Vogue subscription. How ideal! As much as I'll miss buying the new issue on the shelves, it does seem wiser to pay half the price for it... And I got a free Benefit gift! I am eagerly awaiting the heavy thud on my leopard print doormat, signalling its arrival.
Other than that, there are lots of other things I'd like to find in my stocking on Christmas morning (George Lamb mainly, but I somehow don't think that's going to happen).
I heart this tapestry bag from Urban Outfitters. I've coveted another one since mine broke in sixth form. I've never quite gotten over it, so I feel this would be lovely to store all my essentials.
I also really heart these lace-up boots.
I also really want this. I feel it will go well with the above boots: Topshop velvet detail tweed blazer
Recently I have been feeling that I need to branch out from my staple fur coats as I'm starting to think I'm predictable. The only problem is, they're just so warm it's impossible to get them off my back in the chilly Newcastle winds! This sexy coat would however enable me to do so, and with the leopard-print trim, I would still be able to be faithful to my true Bette Lynch self: Leopard detail swing coat.
I really heart this coat. Sheepskin is everywhere at the minute and I fell in love with this as soon as I saw it. I doubt it will arrive in my stocking this year, but one can only wish! It's just a shame my own sheepskin coat I bought at a flea market for a mere fiver last year doesn't fit me as it's too big... It fits my boy perfectly, but I have yet to convince him to wear it, even though he does look like an absolute babe in it. I would quite happily donate it to him if I could have this one in return: Sheepskin pea coat.
I also heart this knitted basic. It's available in so many colours and they're so wearable. My favourite is the cranberry colour, but I'm a bit fan of the peach and dark blush ones too: Scallop edge basic vest.
I'm massively into stoles lately. This one is amazing: Mongolian fur cape.
I also love these chandeliers. Edie Sedgewick would be jealous: Facet drop chandelier.
I'm in dire need of a laptop case, as mine is suffering badly due to my lack of one. This one is fab: Leopard print laptop case. However, in order to avoid a leopard clash with the majority of my wardrobe, I feel this one would be more suitable: Quilted laptop case. I'm enjoying the Chanel-esque quilting.
I also want this fur stole a LOT: Fox fur stole. It will go perfectly over my Bettie Page dress, and with these seamed back tights I'm hoping to get as a stocking filler:
I also heart this fox fur coat. Even though I said I was trying to branch away from the animals, I love the fur of this so much that I feel I might just be able to make an exception: Vintage fur coat.
This stole is also amazing. Gawd, I am so predictable: Vintage fur stole.
And not to be forgetting those Vivienne Westwood wellingtons I so crave...
I'd also love a Polaroid camera. You can get them for next to nothing on eBay; the only problem is the fact that the films are non-existent, and subsequently cost about 20 sheets for 10 shots. So until Polaroid decide to start producing them again, I feel my wish will be put on the back burner.
These Urban Outfitters slippers are so adorable:
I do not however expect Santa to bring me all of these wonderful delights this Christmas, this is merely my wish list. There are other things I could add to this list, but I do not want to bore you with all my wishes as the list is endless... And so from now until the first of December, when I can start opening the doors on my advent calendar that I've yet to purchase, I will be hoping that Santa has Internet access and can see my blog, as I'd love for some of these to be under my tree this year...
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