Friday, 1 October 2010

If you got the money...

Yesterday was possibly one of the most greatly anticipated days of my year. Pay day. Given the fact that I haven't had any real disposable dollar since March when my estate agents popped a lovely rent fiasco email in my inbox and my financial world turned upside down. So as you can imagine, to be finally in the plus feels amazing.

So, naturally, once finishing work, the first thing I did was head to town. Well, it was late night shopping for a start, and my student card sadly expired yesterday, and so I have no wave farewell to the complimentary Topshop 10% and plunge into real adulthood by paying full price for apparel. Not good. I genuinely feel like something major has been taken away from me - I've been using and abusing NUS since I was about 14 and the first ConneXtions cards came out, and to have that privilege denied to me is somewhat upsetting. I will never be able to convince myself that it's perfectly fine to spend 100 sheets, because really it's only £90... I must stop thinking about it before I get upset.

Money really does make the world go round. Think about it, Jamie T, Abba and Pink Floyd have all sang about the stirling coin. And without it, well sadly the world is just a miserable place. What about when you're caught in the rain and can't afford an umbrella? Unlike Gene Kelly, the rain doesn't want to make me sing, and other than the odd occasion when it might be fun to get soaked to the skin, I feel the rest of the world may share my sentiments. I used to love the idea of rummaging around for pennies to afford a Starbucks, but sadly having lived it for many months, the street urchin lifestyle no longer appeals. So it felt joyous to be trailing around shops yesterday, actually having money in my bank to fritter away. When I went to London in the summer for example, I spent a measly £60, mainly on the tubes, and I had to leave behind the amazing black velvet and silver glittery top in Camden Market because 40 dollars was way out of my price range. I didn't even buy a postcard. And now I'm clearly rectifying the situation by splashing out on lots of delightful necessary, and unnecessary, items. Yesterday for example, I had a spending spree and bought the boy some clobber for his birthday (including the most gorgeous chunky knit jumper that Alan Partridge would be jeal of), some Wizard of Oz paraphernalia for my house and a set of Russell Brand tickets. Yes, the Brand. I'm so excited I may actually orgasm in my pants. He is like my dream man, and if he offered to whisk me off in his winklepickers and leave the boy behind, I most definitely would. KP just doesn't cut my high standards for the British babe. I am clearly so much better...

Anyway, have a leather miniskirt to buy from Urban Outfitters before it disappears out of stock forever, and so I must dash, to spend yet more of my monthly salaried wage that I'm adoring at the minute... X

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