I'm back. I'm kind of hoping my blog is going to welcome my return with open arms, but I've neglected it so much that I'm not entirely sure that's going to happen...
Still, I blame Virgin - I've only just gotten the internet in my new pad, and so haven't been able to access any important aspects of my life, like my blog and ebay... And trust me, the lack of ebay browsing has been HARD. Still, I've had a browse and already have my roving eye on a few cheeky items... Well it's pay day next week, so it's only right. The first on my hit list is an amazing tapestry weekend bag. I've been on the hunt for another one for what seems like a decade - I had a babe of a tapestry about 6 years ago, but the zip broke and I never got round to trying to get it fixed, and as much as it pained me, I had to part with it. So this addition to my granny-chic collection is greatly anticipated. I have not bought any new clothes in what seems like forever, given the fact I've had to live on a weeks wage for a month. Since the arrival of online civilisation however, I have trawled my favourite sites and know exactly what a small (but significant) sum of my wage is going on. First off, there's the leather mini from Urban Outfitters. October is a busy month for me, what with the boys birthday and a scheduled Leeds weekender trip planned to see the mighty Crystal Castles, so obviously I need some new clothes to wear... So the leather skirt will be an investment. Somewhere in the dark hole of my wardrobe at home, I have a vintage leather pencil skirt courtesy of my auntie from her rebellious youth, but as of yet my mother hasn't managed to find it, so I'll just have to buy the leather mini... Next on the list is the previously mentioned tapestry bag. Then there's the American Apparel sheer blouses - I have my eye on the mesh black one and a cream one, which will total around 100 dollar for the two but given the fact that there's a possibility they might be going out of business what with their mental director, I feel it's acceptable.
More importantly, this months wages will be going on my deposit for Glasto 2011. Already, I am so excited about it; especially seen as I had to cancel my ticket for this year due to severe lack of fundage... So to ensure my attendance next year, I am purchasing both my ticket and a ticket for the boy's birthday. How very crafty of me...
So that's the breakdown of Thursday's anticipated pay when I will finally be reunited with dollar, ommitting of course the boring details like rent for example. They are not worthy of words on my blog...
However, the blog and dollar isn't the most important reunion happening right now. I'm railing it down to Watford tonight to see my dearest Rach (the ginner babe in the photo), who fucked off to Columbia for 16 months and met the love of her life (which is obviously delightful), however I am greatly excited about her return to NCL for her last year of student loans and overdrafts. It also means I'll have someone to regularly drag out with me when I just want to dance. This reunion obviously calls for some hardcore drinking and dancing, and so as soon as I've stepped foot off the train we're getting our glad rags on and going out. But hold on. What does a girl like me wear to go out somewhere that is reknowned for being particularly chavvy?? I had this wardrobe crisis last night, and immediately discarded the prospect of wearing vintage sequins as I want to survive the night. I finally opted for a vintage black and silver top, which hopefully won't induce too many death threats... The slight wardrobe concern is more than worth it, given the fact that Rachie is my ultimate girls girl. For the whole of first year she was pretty much my boyfriend, always on hand with the Ben & Jerrys whenever it was necessary (and whenever it was not). And given the fact that I am now living with the boy and he doesn't quite understand my obsession with Ugly Betty and ANTM, inviting Rach round therefore enables me to assume full control of the telly, as it will be 2 vs 1 in the name of the brace-wearing babe.
Rach is also the friend that took me to Sheffield for my birthday last year to see Airborne Toxic Event, and when the gig was cancelled and the band was outside, she boldly declared to them that it was my birthday and that we'd travelled for 4 hours on a shitty Megabus (the girl has no shame), which resulted in my private serenading session in the doorway of Leadmill. It was glorious. AND they appreciated my sequins. And Noah Harmon is the second fittest bassist ever (after Jared), and I managed to cop a feel of him (unfortunately not his package) for a kodak moment, and simultaneously fell in love, even if he is a bit short.
So naturally I am massively excited at what sort of carnage will ensue. Expect many photos to follow...
Peace out x
Love it. This essay worthy grace. OMG Bruno Mars has just come on. must jump around. see you in a few xxxxxxxx