I am literally drowning in a sea of carbs.
I have no idea what has came over recently, but every time I feel that pang of hunger I find myself reaching for the stodge every time. Nothing wrong in that obviously, but I've also taken a liking to full fat butter, and so you see where this issue is heading... Admittedly, overall I do have a relatively healthy diet. Having taken up the gym mid-dissertation in a bid to free myself from the clutches of the library and the vending machine (pretty much the only source of library calorie) for an hour a day to de stress and de fat. I've been keeping up this routine ever since and love the post-exercise slimline feeling, but since going to London a couple of weeks ago and eating everything and every cupcake in sight, then going home for a week to a week of wet weather and thus ruling out outdoor activity/exercise, I have struggled to get back into my gym routine since returning to Newcastle. I did go for an hour and a half this morning, however I feel my love for bread has taken hold in my absence from the treadmill. This wouldn't be too problematic, but starchy foods strip me of all motivation, and so you get the picture...
Now just to clarify, I am not some obsessive under-eater, but my obsession with bread and cake is somewhat uncharacteristic of my usual diet. I'm eating bread as if it's going out of fashion, and you'd think the potato famine was about to take hold once again with the amount of spuds I devour. Cupcakes are my downfall; especially ones from the Hummingbird Bakery and ones that are decorated with glitter or flowers or anything else 5 year old girl related. Pizza has also been my tea of choice too much recently, along with crisps and chips and every other shit-food item imaginable. My intake tube would probably resemble that of a 50 stone fatty on Supersize vs Superskinny; I'm like Homer Simpson minus the Duff beer. And so whilst slogging on the treadmill this morning, I vowed to cut down on my deathly intake. Yet reached for the crumpets as soon as I got home. Oh well, I tried...
I am however determined to quash my obsession and force myself to the gym every day to exorcise my carb-love. Although this may have to start on Monday, as a much-anticipated trip to Tynemouth market will be occupying me tomorrow, and so the gym is ruled out. I'm thinking new week, new start, and all that jazz. I have a second interview for a job on Wednesday so fingers crossed everything goes to plan and my life finally falls into place. Which also includes finding and signing for a house, with our original chateau plan unfortunately falling through. I was so devastated when the news broke, I reached for Matilda and the chocolate cake Scott and I baked yesterday (get your Betty Crocker out). Oh my, I'm so predictable...
To be continued.
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