Well, having recently graduated from university and being an unemployed statistic until someone takes pity on me and offers me a 9-5 (preferably one requiring business dress so I have an excuse to buy more Bettie Page dresses), I decided that the best way to pass the time was to get a blog. After all, I've only been meaning to for like the past decade. So having spent a while (about 10 minutes in all fairness) attempting and failing to come up with a name for my blog that was slightly original, I decided to plagarise from John Malkovitch as it's one of my favourite films, just don't tell him...
So I thought I'd start of by revealing a litle about myself. Firstly, my grandmother is my ultimate idol, followed secondly by the Queen (there's a pensioner-theme going on here)... As a result of my undying patriotism, I have a ton of monarchy memorabelia and all things British. I have approximately 12 fur coats and I feel my collection is only going to grow, despite the fact that the first of my collection (a donation from my much-loved grandmother) is by far my favourite. It's a lovely ginger rabbit. My fur coats are basically my pets, because I'm pretty much allergic to everything under the sun (both food and animal wise), although I've never quite discovered why I'm allergic to a rabbit yet can have a rabbit coat. Still, I'm hardly complaining...
Come Dine With Me is my favourite programme in the world. However David Dickinson and his perma-tan also wins me over on many occasions. Him and Frank Gallagher are my ultimate babes (jokes, well only slightly). I do actually think I will marry either Jared or Caleb F; R. Brand (down with KP); George Lamb (or his dad), or J. Depp (predictable yes, however he is the most beautiful man in the solar system so I'm not too bothered).
Other than that, it is my dream to own Mulberry's camel skin leopard-print Bayswater, but at £1,650 that looks like a distant dream in my doler state until I find a sugar daddy or win the lottery. Well one can only dream.
Aww glad you liked my blog. Your 'About me' section made me laugh my socks off :) x