Okay, I admit, if BeingGraceElisabeth was a child, she would have been taken into social care and I would be in jail for child neglect.
However, I am back. With a vengeance.
So until tomorrow, when I will post something worthy of reading, I thought I'd update you a little bit on what's been happening with me lately.
Firstly, I have black hair. I made the leap just before Christmas, and after spending the better part of 24 hours sobbing uncontrollably into my pillow, protesting how much I hated the new 'do, after a few days it stopped being such a shock every time I looked in the mirror, and now I love it. Admittedly, it's still taking some getting used to on photographs as the camera seems only to highlight my pale complexion against the ebony locks, but the Nice 'N' Easy was definitely a good move.
Also, I'm going to Paris! The Guardian was offering a deal that was just too good to pass up, and so on the 19th March I will be Eurostarring my way to the capital of romance, to eat baguettes and drink coffee and practice my GCSE French.
I'm taking my Mini Diana Lomo camera, and so hope to get many beauty snaps, like the above.
I was also saving to go to Benicassim, however that is now unfortunately not happening. Sad face. I was so looking forward to laying on a beach and soaking up some rays, and I'd already started planning my summer wardrobe. And my beach wardrobe. There's so many beaut retro swimsuits that I want BADLY. Here's a few examples:
This is the cutest swimsuit ever - I have a dress in the same fabric. |
Embracing my love for the polkadot again! Classic Hepburn chic. |
High waisted knickers are so flattering and so 50's. Accessorised with a pair of red Ray Bans, it would be the perfect beachwear attire. Hello sailor! |
This Stop Staring swim dress makes me want to die it's so cute! It's like a little prom dress in swimwear form. I've found it for super cheap online too. Maybe the Easter bunny will bring me it instead of a chocolate egg... |
Hello Bette Lynch! Leopard print is one of my favourite prints, and this is just amazing. |
I also found a swim cap like this. I could never look as amazing in one as this babe, but one can only try. |
However, I have decided, as a compromise, to buy my desired swimsuits over the course of the year, so that by the time Benicassim 2012 arrives, I will have all the necessary dollar and swim attire I could ever need to be a beach babe.
Sex and the City is also taking over my life. Having gotten the boxset with my Christmas dollar, I am currently on Season 5. Things I have realised since watching are the following:
1) I want to be Carrie Bradshaw.
2) I want to live in New York.
3) I hate Big.
4) I HATE Big.
5) A little bit of me died when I saw Carrie in her purple bandanna.
6) Where are all the Monolo's and Louboutins?? I had not realised that my obsessive viewing of the later episodes of SATC had seduced me into thinking that the whole series was like this. The boxset has reminded me of earlier episodes when this was clearly not the case.
I'm lucky to have quite a few journalism placements lined up for this year. I've got one with Accent magazine in April, one with a newspaper back home in May, one with Lifestyle in August and I was offered a month long placement with Living North magazine too! Not bad given that it's only February! I'd have a placement lined up for every week of every month if I could, but unfortunately my rent pennies still need to be paid, and thus my availability for continuous unpaid placements is somewhat limited as a result. Boo.
I'm still working at Office, where I drool everyday over the new season stock and lament the fact that I have no money to purchase any of the shoes. Even with my discount! However, I also recently discovered that I get a 45% uniform allowance, and so the Francis Cuban heeled brogues I've had my eye on since the beginning of time will be mine at almost half price!! SCORE!
I've also found a camper van hire company in Keswick, which is literally on my doorstep at home! The prices are really reasonable and I'm crossing my fingers to have the funds for a 3 night rental. An old VW camper van in the lakes with summer weather would be ultimate bliss. I'd take some retro deck chairs with me and transport myself mentally back to the 1950's...
I would sell all my possessions to own one of these.
The epitome of summer in photographic form. |
And with that revelation, I will have to love you and leave you. That's about all that's happened up to date, to spare you the boring details.
Until tomorrow...